잘 만들어진 음악 혹은 미술품을 마주했을 때 우리들은 마음의 위안을 받습니다. 그 순간의 이면에는 많은 사람들의 노력이 있었음을 압니다.
위안을 줄 수 있는 공간을 만들어갑니다.
When we face well-crafted work of art or music, we take comfort in it. We know there was a great effort behind of that moment.
We believe that a good space can give you comfort.
잘 만들어진 음악 혹은 미술품을 마주했을 때 우리들은 마음의 위안을 받습니다.
그 순간의 이면에는 많은 사람들의 노력이 있었음을 압니다.
위안을 줄 수 있는 공간을 만들어갑니다.
When we face well-crafted work of art or music, we take comfort in it.
We know there was a great effort behind of that moment.
We believe that a good space can give you comfort.

Jinhyuk LEE Principal, KIRA / 이진혁 대표, 건축사 (b.1990)
홍익대학교를 졸업했습니다. 한국 건축사입니다. 원오원아키텍츠에서 실무를 쌓았으며, 현재 소와요건축사사무소의 대표입니다.
Jinhyuk LEE received his Bachelor Degree in Architecture from Hongik University. He is a registered architect in Korea, and a member of the Korea Institute of Registered Architects. He has Participated in various architectural projects in One O One architects. Now, he is principle in sowayo architects.
Dohee KIM, Project architect
Eunjae JUNG, Assistant architect
Hongchul Bae
Yoonjoo Choi
Jimin Han
Soyoung KIM

Jinhyuk LEE Principal, KIRA / 이진혁 대표, 건축사 (b.1990)
홍익대학교를 졸업했습니다. 한국 건축사입니다. 원오원아키텍츠에서 실무를 쌓았으며,
현재 소와요건축사사무소의 대표입니다.
Jinhyuk LEE received his Bachelor Degree in Architecture from Hongik University. He is a registered architect in Korea, and a member of the Korea Institute of Registered Architects.
He has Participated in various architectural projects in One O One architects.
Now, he is principle in sowayo architects.
Dohui KIM, Project architect
Eunjae JEONG, Assistant architect
Hongchul BAE
Yoonjoo Choi
Jimin HAN
Soyoung KIM